Yesterday I didn't feel amazing, so after my 2 pieces of pizza lunch and bacon egg and cheese breakfast, I thought I could get control of myself for dinner so I went to
Liquiteria which is a fabulous juice and smoothie shop, with other super healthy snacks.
You really should stop in here if you're in the East Village - it's awesome. |
I got the "Mean Green" which is a refreshing green smoothie that also has pineapple and some mango to tone down the greenery taste. You can taste a hint of spinach but I love it. So I got that as an appetizer and then also grabbed the first 4 juices I could see, because the store got me all motivated and healthy feeling. I really don't know much about juicing or detoxing, for that matter, so I figured that if I got a random mix of "drinks" that it would suffice.

Yesterday I kicked my little detox off with the smoothie, but then was starving so I opened up the red drink - something with Beets. There are other flavors in this one, most specifically ginger, and I can totally see how this curbs your hunger because it's freaking disgusting. I tasted it and then opted for the watermelon juice I got. (Disclaimer: I am only saying that MY taste buds are not cultured and developed enough to appreciate liquid beets. I'm not saying the drink totally sucks, and I can totally see how a lot of people would love just chugging this thick, red, spicy concoction
on a day when they have had nothing to eat for the last five days.)
Mr. Green. It's red, and it's potent. |
Today I was left with the green drink, the beets (1 sip removed) and this Organic Pili Milk. Now after digging into cleanses this morning via the internet, I quickly realized that the juices need to basically be vegetables, and specifically of the green sort - so my watermelon drink and my faux chocolate shake aren't really having the potent detox effects I was going for. Either is my beet drink, that "accidentally" fell into my trash half way through. After that I may have gotten a bacon egg and cheese. I said MAY.
This is the nutty one. Kind of chocolaty tasting and definitely filling. But also not on the juice cleanse plan. Woops. |
So the Organic Pili Milk is my favorite thus far, even though I don't think it counts, because it definitely is filling (I'm chew drinking it) and I like the coco-esque flavor. I am very curious as to how many calories it has - and I am almost positive that I definitely am not starving myself with this one. I'm going to attempt drinking the green drink I have at home for dinner (yay) but then I'm going to drinks so that also negates probably any of my efforts.
Next "cleanse" I will be more prepared, knowledgable and mentally ready - especially when I am about to spend $45 on like 5 juices. If you are reading this and know anything about cleansing/detoxing/juicing, please share. I would love to hear some advice. I do realize that it is supposed to be like a meal supplement and not just a drink with your meal (kinda) so any additional info would be welcomed. :)